Are Gas Stoves Bad for the Environment

created on 2/22/22 @ 01:28PM, updated on 2/22/22 @ 01:32PM

Gas stoves have received a bad wrap lately because they have been known to emit methane and nitrous oxide even when they are not in use. These gasses trap heat in our atmosphere which contributes to global warming and the impacts of global warming on our environment and planet have been well documented. In addition to harming our planet. Nitrous oxide has been known to cause breathing problems, especially to those with asthma, and could impact your lung health. Electric stoves on the other hand have their own issues. During cooking, electric stoves can emit 3x as much carbon dioxide as gas stoves. This is also known to harm our planet. Gas stoves require less energy when cooking but lose out on the efficiency gained due to the gas leak. And keep in mind, if you plan on replacing your gas stove with an electric one you should look to switch only when your gas stove needs to be replaced. Switching too soon can lead to more waste and a greater carbon footprint.
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